Well, I am here in Norway. It has been a dream of mine to visit this fine country, but have never had the opportunity to. But I am now here on Mission as part of Radnet.
We got here about 1.30pm on Mon, and after changing cars because the exhaust was blocked. We were finally on our way to Arna. (Which is just outside Bergen) The scenery here is amazing. There are trees and mountains every where.
Every house has big square windows. But its not surprising as out of every window you can see a mountain! Some of the houses are built into the side of a mountain, they seem to be dotted here and there as if when building the house they have chosen a spot and a view and plonked the house to suit that. As you fly into Norway it looks like a model town railway. Its so sweet. There are also little islands and some people have built there houses on them. Sometimes its one house per island.
We didn't do much on Monday apart from eat fish soup, it had massive balls of cod in. I loved it. Also someone made us a cake, which had cream, jam, custard and marzipan in! We also had a brilliant prayer meeting. It was really great to get to pray for some of the church member and pray into the week.
Tuesday was good (apart from the rain which has been constant since the time we arrived) we went on a prayer drive! We visited the train station and prayed there and then the shopping hall and some different churches. The church plant has been given a prayer house (They are set up a hill a bit and they used to be used to pray in!) which they have done up. We had a pray in there and then we went for a drive around the town to pray for the houses. Door knocking is really difficult, even though people are in they don't want to answer the door. After prayer walking we came back to the church and learnt the old favorites of the chair sketch and the chocolate box sketch.
Our evening was spent at the K.K.U youth group (it means the best night of the week, its not some communist gathering) It was great, we were given more cake and lots of it. (Everyone gives you cake! O and bread) We played silly games with them, like singing, whilst gargling and the team has to guess the tune and sausages in Jelly and cream and you have to get them out without using your hands.
James then preached (with an interpreter, well done him!) about grace. After that meeting we then were taken to the church plant and had a prayer meeting. Which was very good.
Even though we haven't done a whole lot over the last two days, we were so tired, so they let us get a fairly early night! (The norwegians don't seem to sleep much!)
Well here ends part one watch out for more installments of Norway, May 2007.
Awesome post my love! Keep up the writing and do well on the mission. Speak to you soon. Love Tim
We know how to comment on your blog now, so you'll hear a comment from us soon.
Love Dad
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